How to Attain Targeted Cloud Outcomes While Continuously Evolving Your Environment
It’s no longer enough to just “be in the cloud.” Today, businesses are under pressure to use cloud technologies to solve strategic problems, build new revenue streams and decrease costs. With the pace of innovation accelerating like never before, organizations need to transform how they operate in the cloud, so they can evolve to cloud native.
As organizations pursue this evolution, they need a modern, highly collaborative support model built for modern business needs. They need Rackspace Elastic Engineering, which gives them a dedicated team of technology experts who can help them accelerate their cloud objectives and meet their business goals faster.
Check out our new “5 Points in 5 Minutes” video, hosted by Jeff DeVerter, Chief Technology Evangelist at Rackspace Technology®. He tells why Rackspace Elastic Engineering could be exactly what you need to drive better cloud outcomes in your environment. Our approach includes:
- Proactive "Do With" attitude
- Flexible pricing
- Dedicated team
- Support for migration, architecture, automation, optimization, reliability and security
- Platform-agnostic approach
To learn more, visit our website and download the Rackspace Elastic Engineering data sheet.
Download you copy of the Rackspace Elastic Engineering for VMware data sheet.
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